Vishal fitness

Vishal fitness

Beginner-Vishal fitness


Vishal fitness - Tirumalagiri - High-Intensity Interval (HIIT) Training


Services done by Vishal fitness in Tirumalagiri

My name is Vishal Kumar, I'm a certified fitness trainer from k11 with 5 years of experience


Hyderabad Tirumalagiri
Registered on Fixando
Before 6 months


Vishal fitness - Hyderabad - Tirumalagiri - Map


What is the average price of Vishal fitness services?
Average prices are important to know how much you are paying for each service. The average for Personal Training and Fitness is .
What services does Vishal fitness provides?
This PRO provides a wide range of services such as Personal Training and Fitness, Wellness.
Where does Vishal fitness provides services?
Working locations are usually close to the pros home. For PRO Vishal fitness, he works in Tirumalagiri.
How does Vishal fitness prefers to be contacted?
Contact options are useful to know th fastest way to get in touch, Contact this pro via .
Vishal fitness - Tirumalagiri - High-Intensity Interval (HIIT) Training